Category: Articles

Hide your Avada Theme, Avada Builder and Fusion core

The Avada is the best selling WordPress theme with over 600K sales since it’s been launched. The main reason for why is so appealing and everyone loves it, is because incredible easy to use and provides outstanding demo templates which can be used as starting point.

Why white label outputted HTML code source when using Avada theme, builder and Fusion?

The Avada is widely used on many websites, making it the best target for any hacker ! Finding a vulnerability in the code grants an attacker the possibility to hack and compromise all sites using this specific code. Hence it’s very important to hide that your site using Avada and any other applications/plugins.

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Setup WP Hide on LiteSpeed

LiteSpeed Web Server is one of the best high-performance and high-scalability webserver type. Being used on near 3% of total websites is the 4th as popularity worldwide. LiteSpeed Web Server can be used to replace an existing Apache system, without changing other applications or operating system details.

With its comprehensive range of features and easy web administration graphical console, LiteSpeed Web Server can help you deliver the best performances out of existing hosting solution. There are 3 editions of LiteSpeed:

  • OpenLiteSpeed
  • Standard
  • Enterprise

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Keep Your WordPress Website Safe from Hackers

WordPress Security is a vital concern for any site owner. We talk frequently about security, among other things, in warnings about themes and plugins and how to protect our sites from attacks. But security is quite from a simple point of view, and the steps you take to protect your assets have no bounds.

Have you sometimes walked out of your office, carelessly leaving your door open? Maybe more than once, right? This is natural, we are not often worried about managing potential jeopardizes until it goes out of hand. This is also very much applicable to your WordPress website. Continue reading

Replace arbitrary URL’s with custom ones

This functionality is available for PRO version.

The WP Hide plugin provides many modules through which a site owner can rewrite all default URL’s, making WordPress indistinguishable. This is a perfect strategy to keep intruders outside, as any WordPress or plugin vulnerability that gets in a hacker’s hand, will be exploited to get full access to the site. Closing all default entry points and re-writing paths to specific assets will make a penetration close to impossible.

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Set-up Wp Hide PRO for WordPress MultiSite

This functionality is available for PRO version.

Creating a network of sites with WordPress is a powerful functionality, the simplicity of set-up makes it the best option to consider. Mainly a MultiSite network is a collection of sites that all share the same WordPress installation. This sounds simple to manage but it become a complex problem when it come to rewrite and block specific urls while preserving compatibility. The free WP Hide & Security Enhancer plugin can handle single site WordPress install, however can’t run correctly under MultiSite environment. Continue reading

Revert the media files urls to default format

Note! This is addressed for user who used early staging versions of WP Hide. At the moment, none of urls are being saved on database, everything is processed when being outputted.

Per Documentation at Rewrite – Uploads when using the “Block uploads URL” option, it will block any access to old/default URL’s format, which otherwise are still available. If this feature is turned on, all new images inserted within posts (or any custom post type) will use the new URL format. Continue reading

XSS and CSRF security issues within AVADA Theme

The Avada | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme is the best sold theme ever on Themeforest, so far it counted over 320k of customers. That being said, imagine the huge number of WordPress sites running on this theme.

As being widely used, is notorious thing for the Avada code to be checked by hackers to find vulnerabilities. Recently there’s been reported 2 huge impact security issues. Remember, there are automated boots which search for such theme, using a particular version which is known for being insecure.
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