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  • PostProcessing – CSS

    This functionality is available for PRO version. The PostProcessing engine is a powerful tool designed to enhance the security and performance of WordPress websites by obfuscating and white-labeling various components of the site, making it significantly more difficult for hackers to identify the technologies and plugins in use. One of its most advanced features is […]

  • PostProcessing – JavaScript

    This functionality is available for PRO version. The JavaScript PostProcessing feature is a crucial component of the PostProcessing engine, working alongside CSS PostProcessing and Replacements to provide comprehensive control over your website’s front-end performance and security. This feature is specifically designed to handle all the JavaScript assets associated with your site, offering advanced processing options […]

  • PostProcessing – Html/Css/JS Replacements This functionality is available for PRO version. The module implements a post-processing engine, which allows arbitrary words to be replaced with custom ones. This works for all site data such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript assets. The visual interface is self-explanatory and consists of a Replaced Word and a Replacement Word. This is easy to [...]
  • General / Html – Admin Bar

    When being logged-in, on front side WordPress display a top admin bar to facilitate an easy access to different areas and configuration options. The Admin Bar module can be used to hide the default admin bar, for specif roles.

  • CDN – CDN Url

    This functionality is available for PRO version. A Content Delivery Network – CDN – is a network of servers located around the globe in fundamental spots with fast access. It takes a while for a web page to load especially if the server is located far away from the user. So they are designed to […]

  • Rewrite – Map URLs This functionality is available for PRO version. The Map URLs module can e used to change individual URL to custom ones. The interface consists of 2 fields, a Url to replace and a Url replacement. Any site URL's can be mapped to something else. Any type of asset works with re-mapping e.g JavaScript, Cascading Style [...]
  • Admin – Change default run-ajax.php

    This functionality is available for PRO version The run-ajax.php is being used by WordPress core and many plugins to initiate AJAX calls from dashboard and front side. This is specific to WordPress, a site using such slug is an easy target to hack attempts.

  • Rewrite – Theme

    The plugin Theme section allow to change any url’s related to a theme or a child theme. As default a resource file loaded from the theme folder appear on front side html like this:

  • Rewrite – WP includes

    As default a WordPress installation contain a wp-include folder which store files and resources used on themes and plugin. This section allow a way to change this slug from any links on front side html.

  • Rewrite – WP Content

    As default a WordPress installation use a wp-content directory which store themes, plugins, media files, cache data etc. This option allow a way to change this slug to something else on front side html.

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