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  • Admin – Change wp-admin

    Despite the flexibility of WordPress framework, there are few ways to configure the admin login url customization for making a bit safer against unauthorized access and brute force attempts. All methods are not provided out of the box through WordPress core but require custom code to make it happen. Completely hide default WordPress admin url […]

  • General / Html – Meta

    Remove WordPress Generator Meta Remove the autogenerated meta generator tag within head (WordPress Version). Tag example: <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 4.6.1″ /> Remove Other Generator Meta Remove other meta generated tags within head (eg Theme Name, Theme Version). Tag example: <meta content=”Divi –  Child v.1.0.0″ name=”generator”/> Removing such meta tag create  issues for BuddyPress plugin which […]

  • General – Block Theme / Plugin detectors

    This feature enhances your website’s privacy and security by blocking known user agents and IP addresses associated with popular theme detectors. By preventing these entities from accessing skwq-related information, it makes it significantly harder for them to gather details about your site’s design and structure. Key Benefits: Enhanced Privacy: By blocking theme detectors, you keep […]

  • General / Html Emulate CMS

    Using the option the system tries to misguide the used WordPress by outputting the wrong traces, of the selected CMS. Misleading and making a false lead provide extra security, as the attacker search and attempt to hack something which not exist. The plugin can emulate systems like: Drupal – Drupal is a free and open-source […]

  • General / Html – Feed

    Web feeds allows users and applications to receive regular updates from a site. There are several different kinds of feeds, read by different feed-readers. Some feeds include RSS (“Rich Site Summary” or “Really Simple Syndication”), Atom or RDF files. By default, WordPress comes with various feeds: RSS 2.0 format http://-domain-name-/feed/ RSS 2.0 format http://-domain-name-/feed/rss2/ RSS […]

  • General / Html – Robots.txt

    Robots.txt file tells search engines how to crawl your website which makes it an incredibly powerful SEO tool. As default the robots.txt also includes an allow clause to admin URL and run-ajax.php url. Once customized those areas, the new slugs might not want to be show to anyone. Turn this option to Yes removed any […]

  • General / Html – Scripts

    This section provides a way to control aspects of the front-side scripts loaded using the HTML script tag. An example of such a link: <script type=’text/javascript’ id=’jquery-framework’ src=’http://-domain-name-/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4′></script> Remove Version The option method helps to remove the JavaScript version number which is being appended at the end of every script file. Generally, the version number […]

  • General / Html – Styles

    This section provide methods to control the style links format being displayed on front side. An example of such link: <style rel=’stylesheet’ id=’id-of-style’ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ href=’http://-domain-name-/wp-content/themes/default/css/style.css?ver=1.12.4′></style> Remove Version   This provide a method to remove the Style file version number which is being append at the end of every style tag. Generally this is intended […]

  • General / Html – Emoji

    Originating on Japanese mobile phones in the late 1990s, emoji have become increasingly popular worldwide since their international inclusion in Apple’s iPhone, which was followed by similar adoption by Android and other mobile operating system. But not everyone use Emoji. Since WordPress load the dependencies as default, it decrease the overall site speed. Disabling this […]

  • General / Html – HTML

    The General / Html – HTML plugin section include some powerful features which tune up the site even further: Remove Comments Minify Disable right mouse click Remove general classes from body tag Remove ID from Menu items Remove class from Menu items Remove general classes from post Remove general classes from post Remove Comments The […]

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