Tag: how to

What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and How It Enhances Your Website Security

Enhancing Your WordPress Security with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in WP Hide PRO

WordPress powers millions of websites worldwide, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. As threats evolve, securing your website is more critical than ever. One of the most effective ways to bolster your site’s security is through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). WP Hide PRO, a robust WordPress plugin, integrates advanced 2FA options to provide an extra layer of defense. In this article, we’ll explore the 2FA feature in WP Hide PRO, focusing on its three options: E-mail 2FA, Authentication App 2FA, and Recovery Codes 2FA. We will detail how each method works, why they’re important, and provide guidance on implementing them for a safer website.
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Easily Replace Any Text in Page HTML with a Visual Interface Module

This functionality is available for PRO version.

The Text Replace module in WP Hide PRO provides a powerful way to refine and perfect the process of hiding WordPress from a website’s code and interface. While other components of the plugin handle URL and path replacements, there may still be instances where specific words, labels, or proprietary names appear within the page source. This module allows for easy replacement of any arbitrary text, ensuring complete customization and white-labeling. Continue reading

How PostProcessing works with assets loaded outside of page HTML dataset

The PostProcessing along the Replacements functionality are the ultimate tools to scramble and create the unrecognizable environment. This is independent of any used plugins and themes, as virtually match anything. That makes the perfect method to white-label any plugins and themes. Basically replacing the specific words (classes, tags, JavaScript variables etc), makes specific code impossible to track. Examples can be found at How to white label Elementor also Hide your Avada Theme, Avada Builder and Fusion core. Continue reading

Set-up Wp Hide PRO for WordPress MultiSite

This functionality is available for PRO version.

Creating a network of sites with WordPress is a powerful functionality, the simplicity of set-up makes it the best option to consider. Mainly a MultiSite network is a collection of sites that all share the same WordPress installation. This sounds simple to manage but it become a complex problem when it come to rewrite and block specific urls while preserving compatibility. The free WP Hide & Security Enhancer plugin can handle single site WordPress install, however can’t run correctly under MultiSite environment. Continue reading

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