Customizing the WP Die Layout in WP Hide PRO WP Hide PRO allows users to customize the default WordPress 404 error page using the option at WP Hide > General / HTML > WP Die -> WP Die Layout. This feature enables control over the error layout, replacing the standard WordPress die message with a […]
The Import / Export feature in WP Hide PRO offers a streamlined solution for replicating and migrating configuration settings between different WordPress installations. This functionality is particularly beneficial when transferring a setup from one site to another, ensuring consistency and saving time during deployment. Below, we provide a detailed guide to using this feature effectively. […]
Through the User Interactions interface, different types of user actions are possible to block. This helps to limit the interaction between the user and its browser on your website. The following options are available: Disable Mouse right click Disable Text Selection Disable Copy Disable Cut Disable Paste Disable Print Disable Print Screen Disable Developer Tools […]
Using the option the system tries to misguide the used WordPress by outputting the wrong traces, of the selected CMS. Misleading and making a false lead provide extra security, as the attacker search and attempt to hack something which not exist. The plugin can emulate systems like: Drupal – Drupal is a free and open-source […]
This functionality is available for PRO version. A Content Delivery Network – CDN – is a network of servers located around the globe in fundamental spots with fast access. It takes a while for a web page to load especially if the server is located far away from the user. So they are designed to […]
This functionality is available for PRO version. This module is deprecated and replaced by Html/Css/JS Replacements The module implement a post-processing engine, to provide additional functionality for Cascading Style Sheet data type. The visual interface is self explanatory and the options are easy to understand for non technical persons. A requirement for post-processing […]
This functionality is available for PRO version. This module is deprecated and replaced by Html/Css/JS Replacements Through this module, commonly used JavaScript variables/functions from WordPress, plugins and theme can be renamed to something else. Often hackers boots parse and render the html in attempt to find specific variables which are widely used on […]
This functionality is available for PRO version The run-ajax.php is being used by WordPress core and many plugins to initiate AJAX calls from dashboard and front side. This is specific to WordPress, a site using such slug is an easy target to hack attempts.
The WordPress is not flexible at all when it come to media upload location. The default path is a standard format which appear like this, for any attachments (images, archives etc): <img class="alignnone size-full" src="" alt="" width="640" height="390" alt="" /> Viewing such a link, it’s pretty obliviously it’s a WordPress site, and the link points […]
Despite the flexibility of WordPress framework, there are few ways to configure the admin login url customization for making a bit safer against unauthorized access and brute force attempts. All methods are not provided out of the box through WordPress core but require custom code to make it happen. Completely hide default WordPress admin url […]