

Posted in: Getting Started (4) How To (17) Plugin Options Explained (41) Actions / Filters (33)      Code Example (17)  

This functionality is available for PRO version.

Name: wph/components/force_run_on_admin
Type: Filter
(bool) $status
(string) $component_id

By default, certain features are disabled on the WordPress Dashboard to prevent potential conflicts and ensure the stability of core functionalities. However, if needed, you can use this filter to override the default behavior and enable specific modules to run within the admin dashboard as well. This allows for greater flexibility while maintaining control over which features are active in the backend environment.

    add_filter('wph/components/force_run_on_admin', 'custom_wph_components_force_run_on_admin', 10, 2);
    function custom_wph_components_force_run_on_admin( $status, $component_id )
            return TRUE;   

The following sample code activate the Text Replace function on dashboard too:

    add_filter('wph/components/force_run_on_admin', 'custom_wph_components_force_run_on_admin', 10, 2);
    function custom_wph_components_force_run_on_admin( $status, $component_id )
            if ( $component_id == 'text_replace' )    
                return TRUE;   
            return $status;

The above code should be placed within wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory, the file should include a underline ( _ ) char as first letter, to ensure is being loaded before WP Hide Loader module.

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