

Posted in: Getting Started (4) How To (17) Plugin Options Explained (41) Actions / Filters (33)   

This functionality is available for PRO version.

Name: wp-hide/module/general_css_variables_replace/placeholder_ignore_css
Type: Filter
Arguments: (bool) $ignore, (text) $element_content, (string) $element_href

This filter can be used to leave specific in-line Cascading Style Sheet code or stylesheet asset within HTML source. When using  CSS Concatenate, all in-line Cascading Style Sheet code are being combined along all local css assets into a single file.

        add_filter( 'wp-hide/module/general_css_variables_replace/placeholder_ignore_css', 'module_general_css_variables_replace_placeholder_ignore_css', 10, 3 ); 
        function module_general_css_variables_replace_placeholder_ignore_css( $ignore, $element_content, $element_href )
                If ( strpos( $element_content, "#my_specialID" )  !== FALSE )
                    $ignore  = TRUE;

                return $ignore;


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