
Rewrite – Root Files

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Any WordPress instance includes specific files located within the root install directory. You may think this is not a big deal as any site contains such a file. The problem is they use a format that makes your WordPress easily traceable:


and other..

This area provides a way to control the privacy of those files making them invisible to anyone accessing them from outside. They will continue to be used internally by WordPress without any problem.

Block license.txt

The license.txt file contains the licensing terms and legal information for the WordPress framework. While this file is not critical for site operation, it does reveal that your site is running WordPress, which could be useful information to potential attackers. By blocking access to this file, you help obscure the fact that your site is built on WordPress, adding an extra layer of security through obscurity.

Block readme.html

The readme.html file provides general information about your WordPress installation, including the version, installation steps, updating instructions, and other resources. This file can offer valuable insights to attackers about the version of WordPress you’re using and other configuration details. Blocking access to this file helps prevent the disclosure of this information, which could otherwise be exploited.

Block wp-activate.php

The wp-activate.php file is used for confirming the activation key received via email when a new user signs up for a blog. If your site allows user registrations, this file is essential for user activation. However, if registration is disabled or if you want to secure this process further, you should block access to this file. Alternatively, consider renaming it using plugin features to obscure its purpose while maintaining functionality.

Block wp-cron.php

The wp-cron.php file handles scheduled tasks and events within WordPress, such as publishing scheduled posts or performing routine maintenance. If you do not use remote cron jobs, blocking this file will not impact the functionality of your site, as the code excludes internal server IPs to ensure cron tasks continue running. Enabling this option can help protect against potential abuse of the cron system.

Block register-me.php

The register-me.php file allows user registration on your WordPress site. If user registration is disabled, it is advisable to block this file to prevent any potential unauthorized access attempts. If you have user registration enabled, consider renaming this file through the plugin’s functionality to further secure the registration process while keeping it functional.

Block wp-register.php

The wp-register.php file is an outdated script from earlier versions of WordPress. Although it is deprecated, it may still be present in some installations. Blocking this file is recommended as it is no longer in use and can pose a security risk if left exposed.

Block other wp-*.php files

This option allows you to block access to various other PHP files in the WordPress root directory, such as wp-blog-header.php and wp-config.php. These files are used internally by WordPress for essential functions. Blocking access to them will not affect your site’s functionality, as they are essential for internal processes. Other root files like wp-activate.php, wp-login.php, and register-me.php are handled through their specific settings, ensuring a comprehensive approach to securing your WordPress installation.

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