
Customize the default wp die page ( error 404 )

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Customizing the WP Die Layout in WP Hide PRO

WP Hide PRO allows users to customize the default WordPress 404 error page using the option at WP Hide > General / HTML > WP Die -> WP Die Layout. This feature enables control over the error layout, replacing the standard WordPress die message with a custom design.

Implementing Custom WP Die Layout

To modify the WP Hide PRO – WP Die Layout, you can hook into the wp_die_handler filter and define your own function that outputs the desired error message. This allows you to create a fully customized error page that aligns with your site’s branding.

Steps to Customize:

  1. Add a custom function in your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin.
  2. Hook into the wp_die_handler filter to replace the default error handler.
  3. Define your own error layout with custom HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

Code Example:

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