
Admin – Change wp-admin

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Despite the flexibility of WordPress framework, there are few ways to configure the admin login url customization for making a bit safer against unauthorized access and brute force attempts. All methods are not provided out of the box through WordPress core but require custom code to make it happen.

Completely hide default WordPress admin url

As default when accessing any WordPress site through wp-admin slug it will redirect to actual login page, this is an example of url format


This redirect to


But this is something which everyone know. we don’t want that, access to site management shuld be something private and definitely require a higher protection. How about changing to something different, a link that only you know about it?

New wp-admin slug

Type in the new admin url slug which will be used instead the default e.g. new-admin

Per above example the new admin url become


Once changed, the above url will be used to access any resources within WordPress Dashboard, from Posts and Pages section to Plugins, Appearance and Settings.

Block default wp-admin

To make the old slug totally invisible and disable it, this option can be used. Any reference to this old url will redirected to a default theme 404 error page.

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