The plugin Theme section allow to change any url’s related to a theme or a child theme. As default a resource file loaded from the theme folder appear on front side html like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='http://-domain-name-/wp-content/themes/Divi/style.css' type='text/css' media='all' />
This is the easiest way to identify a WordPress instance, if there’s a /wp-content/themes/ within links, there must be a WordPress CMS. Through this area, you can easily change theme name and URLs, also clean up the default style.css file which contains multiple information regarding theme name, version, author, WordPress compatibility, etc After Theme slug change the URLs become something like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='http://-domain-name-/my-theme/my-custom-style.css' type='text/css' media='all' />
New Theme Path
Provide the new theme folder name which will apply to all front side links. This can include any alphanumeric and numeric value. e.g. my_template
New Style File Path
This allow to change the default style.css filename to something else e.g. my-custom-style.css Per this example, on front side the main style link change from /style.css to /my-custom-style.css
Remove description header from Style file
This allow to remove different style meta information. A theme main style file include multiple meta data as follow:
- Theme Name
- Theme URI
- Author
- Author URI
- Description
- Version
- Text Domain
See a full list of metadata at Theme Development
That information completely reveals your theme details and WordPress instance. Setting this option to Yes will strip out any details.
Child – New Theme Path
If there is an active theme child, this option is also available. Provide the new child theme folder name which will apply to all front side links. This can include any alphanumeric and numeric value. e.g. my_child_template Theme Path and Child Theme Path options values can’t be the same.
Child – New Style File Path
This allow to change the default child theme style.css filename to something else e.g. custom-style-file.css
Child – Remove description header from Style file
Similar to Remove description header from Style file this option help to strip out chld theme style metadata.