The Import / Export feature in WP Hide PRO offers a streamlined solution for replicating and migrating configuration settings between different WordPress installations. This functionality is particularly beneficial when transferring a setup from one site to another, ensuring consistency and saving time during deployment. Below, we provide a detailed guide to using this feature effectively. […]
The WordPress is not flexible at all when it come to media upload location. The default path is a standard format which appear like this, for any attachments (images, archives etc): <img class="alignnone size-full" src="" alt="" width="640" height="390" alt="" /> Viewing such a link, it’s pretty obliviously it’s a WordPress site, and the link points […]
Despite the flexibility of WordPress framework, there are few ways to configure the admin login url customization for making a bit safer against unauthorized access and brute force attempts. All methods are not provided out of the box through WordPress core but require custom code to make it happen. Completely hide default WordPress admin url […]
Using the WordPress as CMS to manage your website it turns into a magnet for all brute force attempts to login, from boots and hackers. On CODEX there’s a dedicated page for such topic Brute Force Attacks it’s a very sensible area of your website and should get the appropriate attention from everyone. There are […]