
Knowledge Base - Actions / FiltersResolve all of your questions in no time

  • wp-hide/loaded_module

    On loaded module

  • wph/do_recovery

    Trigger on recovery actions

  • wph/settings_changed

    Name: wph/settings_changed Type: Action Arguments: $screen_slug, $tab_slug The action trigger on plugin admin interface Settings Changed. If this action triggered there was no error and the settings where saved successfully.

  • wp-hide/interface/process

    Name: wp-hide/interface/process Type: Filter Arguments: $errors, $settings, $module_settings Returns: (array) $errors This filter trigger when plugin admin interface is being processed. It can be used to ensure specific options are matching the requirements.

  • wp-hide/interface/process/minimum_slug_length

    Name: wp-hide/interface/process/minimum_slug_length Type: Filter Arguments: (int) $slug_minimum_length (array) $data Using this filter, the minimum length of a custom slug can be changed. The default is 5.

  • wp-hide/interface/process/reserved_values

    This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wp-hide/interface/process/reserved_values Type: Filter Arguments: (array) $reserved_values Through the filter, the system reserved values can be changed, by add or remove specific slugs. A reserved_value item can contain regex patterns e.g. [^\w\-]wp[^\w\-] The following example add a new system reserved slug as “clear“.

  • wph/components/block_wp_cron_php/local_ips

    This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wph/components/block_wp_cron_php/local_ips Type: Filter Arguments: (array) $local_ips This filter can be used to add IP’s to ignore list for which the default wp-cron.php file can still be accessible when blocking the default.

  • wph/components/components_run/ignore_component

    Name: wph/components/components_run/ignore_component Type: Filter Arguments: (bool) $ignore_component (text) $component_id ($saved_field_value) $component_id (object) $_class_instance Using this filter, specific components can be disabled. The following example disables the HTML Minification component on URL ‘/elementor-188’:

  • wph/components/rewrite-default/html_replacements

    This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wph/components/rewrite-default/html_replacements Type: Filter Arguments: $status This filter can be used to disable the HTML Replacements on the default rewrite-default module. Keep in mind that this run if there are actual Replacements pair saved.

  • wph/components/force_run_on_admin

    This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wph/components/force_run_on_admin Type: Filter Arguments: (bool) $status (string) $component_id By default, certain features are disabled on the WordPress Dashboard to prevent potential conflicts and ensure the stability of core functionalities. However, if needed, you can use this filter to override the default behavior and enable specific modules to […]

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