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  • Setup the WP Hide PRO with CloudPanel Free Hosting

      This functionality is available for PRO version. Integrating the WP Hide PRO plugin with a website hosted on CloudPanel can significantly enhance your WordPress security by obscuring your website’s source code, making it more difficult for potential attackers to exploit. To ensure seamless integration and optimal performance, follow the detailed guide below.

  • wph/components/components_run/ignore_component

    Name: wph/components/components_run/ignore_component Type: Filter Arguments: (bool) $ignore_component (text) $component_id ($saved_field_value) $component_id (object) $_class_instance Using this filter, specific components can be disabled. The following example disables the HTML Minification component on URL ‘/elementor-188’:

  • wp-hide/interface/process

    Name: wp-hide/interface/process Type: Filter Arguments: $errors, $settings, $module_settings Returns: (array) $errors This filter trigger when plugin admin interface is being processed. It can be used to ensure specific options are matching the requirements.

  • Preserve specific text / html block within outputted code

    This functionality is available for PRO version. The WordPress WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO achieve provided functionality through internal filters and rewrite code. This ensure a perfect compatibility is maintained across the site without requiring to change anything at the code level or to any of WordPress files/folders structure. Any updating functionality for wither […]

  • Create a custom Module Component, extending the plugin functionality

    As default the WP Hide & Security Enhancer WordPress plugin include many features and functionalities which should be more than enough for a regular site to hide everything about WordPress and theme / plugins related data. As the WordPress ecosystem is huge and as it getting more complex, certain aspects may become uncovered and need […]

  • Installation

    Install the free WP Hide & Security Enhancer Plugin can be found within WordPress Repository at meaning it can be installed within any WordPress site through admin Plugins menu. Click on Add New sub-menu item then search for WP Hide & Security Enhancer plugin. Click Install and then Activate. Once the plugin active, a […]

  • Plugin Requirements The plugin does not require any special server functionality. As long as you run a WordPress instance with active Permalinks the code will run just fine. This is compatible with UNIX (Ubuntu, CentOS, FreeBSD, Debian, CoreOS etc) and Windows (IIS) based systems running Apache/NGinX etc. The system requirements (power processing and RAM) are minimum, the [...]
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