Customizing the WP Die Layout in WP Hide PRO WP Hide PRO allows users to customize the default WordPress 404 error page using the option at WP Hide > General / HTML > WP Die -> WP Die Layout. This feature enables control over the error layout, replacing the standard WordPress die message with a […]
This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wp-hide/module/general_css_combine/add_media_query Type: Filter Arguments: (bool) $add_media_query (text) $code_block The wp-hide/module/general_css_combine/add_media_query filter allows you to control whether the @media queries are included in the processed CSS assets by the WP Hide plugin. By default, the plugin adds @media data to the combined CSS files. However, using this filter, […]
This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wph/components/rewrite-default/html_replacements Type: Filter Arguments: $status This filter can be used to disable the HTML Replacements on the default rewrite-default module. Keep in mind that this run if there are actual Replacements pair saved.
Name: wp-hide/interface/process/minimum_slug_length Type: Filter Arguments: (int) $slug_minimum_length (array) $data Using this filter, the minimum length of a custom slug can be changed. The default is 5.
This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wp-hide/interface/process/reserved_values Type: Filter Arguments: (array) $reserved_values Through the filter, the system reserved values can be changed, by add or remove specific slugs. A reserved_value item can contain regex patterns e.g. [^\w\-]wp[^\w\-] The following example add a new system reserved slug as “clear“.
Using the option the system tries to misguide the used WordPress by outputting the wrong traces, of the selected CMS. Misleading and making a false lead provide extra security, as the attacker search and attempt to hack something which not exist. The plugin can emulate systems like: Drupal – Drupal is a free and open-source […]
This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wph/module/general_scripts/remove_id_attribute/ignore_ids Type: Filter Arguments:(array) $ignores This filter provides a way to set ignores for scripts IDs, when using the function Remove ID from script tag
This functionality is available for PRO version. The Replacements feature is a powerful tool, it allows any of specific traces ( classes, IDs, JavaScript variables ) to be changed easily and make the code unrecognizable.
This functionality is available for PRO version. Name: wph/components/block_wp_cron_php/local_ips Type: Filter Arguments: (array) $local_ips This filter can be used to add IP’s to ignore list for which the default wp-cron.php file can still be accessible when blocking the default.
The CSS and JavaScript processing modules is a powerful functionality which helps with SEO improvements and plugins/theme white-labeling. In some cases, the options are required to not trigger for specific URLs, this can be achieved using programable filters. The following code should be placed within a file in /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder or a custom plugin. This […]