Category: Articles

Easily Replace Any Text in Page HTML with a Visual Interface Module

This functionality is available for PRO version.

The Text Replace module in WP Hide PRO provides a powerful way to refine and perfect the process of hiding WordPress from a website’s code and interface. While other components of the plugin handle URL and path replacements, there may still be instances where specific words, labels, or proprietary names appear within the page source. This module allows for easy replacement of any arbitrary text, ensuring complete customization and white-labeling. Continue reading

White-label your plugins and theme using the PostProcessing

One of the standout features of the WP Hide PRO is its ability to white-label any plugin or theme. White-labeling refers to the practice of rebranding a product so that it appears to be developed in-house or by a different creator, to appear a totally different code. For WordPress users, this means you can seamlessly hide the identities of plugins like Elementor, Avada Theme, Avada Builder, and Fusion Core—popular tools that have been known to exhibit vulnerabilities in the past and most probably currently or in the near future.. Continue reading

How to easily Hide DIVI

WordPress Divi is a highly regarded premium theme and page builder plugin widely used in the web development industry. Its user-friendly interface and extensive features allow users to create stunning websites without the need for coding knowledge. However, its popularity also makes it an attractive target for hackers. To bolster the security of Divi-based websites, WP Hide PRO comes to the rescue by concealing sensitive information and protecting sites from potential vulnerabilities. Continue reading

Protect Site Content with User Interaction Features

As a site owner, protecting your valuable content from unauthorized copying and theft is paramount. WP Hide, a powerful WordPress plugin, offers a range of user interaction features designed to protect site content and enhance the security of your website. In this article, we will explore the user interaction capabilities of WP Hide and how they can effectively safeguard your site content from being exploited.
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How the Security Headers can Enhance Your Website’s Security

If you own a website, you’ve probably heard of security headers. But what exactly are they and why should you use them? In this article, we’ll discuss what security headers are, why you should use them, which security headers are available, and how they work to protect your website against malicious attacks.

A security header is an HTTP response header that instructs a web browser on how to behave when interacting with a website. These headers provide an additional layer of security to your website, helping to protect it against a variety of attacks, including cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking, and other types of code injection attacks.
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Security Scan – easily diagnose your site security problems and solutions

Security has become a major concern for everyone. People are more aware of the fact that their data is not perfectly safe and that they need to take precautions to protect their assets. The facts are clear and should be taken accordingly, over 30000 web sites are hacked every single day.

Unfortunately, in recent years the risk of being hacked has dramatically increased. There are nearly one hundred thousand potential breaches for a WordPress site, mainly caused by the many community plugins available through the repository. The majority has been found to contain critical bugs making a site easily exploitable.
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Harden Your Website using Security Headers

Any website is susceptible to remote attacks. Starting with the hosting server and its deployed applications, continuing with website CMS and deployed modules and extensions. Everything is potentially vulnerable.
The WordPress platform generally implies a high risk. The environment suit such as plugins and themes are found vulnerable all time. That creates security problems for everyone.

WP Hide is a great way to add another layer of security. Disguising everything on the site, the intruder is lost and unable to create a focused attack on a specific vulnerability. Continue reading

How PostProcessing works with assets loaded outside of page HTML dataset

The PostProcessing along the Replacements functionality are the ultimate tools to scramble and create the unrecognizable environment. This is independent of any used plugins and themes, as virtually match anything. That makes the perfect method to white-label any plugins and themes. Basically replacing the specific words (classes, tags, JavaScript variables etc), makes specific code impossible to track. Examples can be found at How to white label Elementor also Hide your Avada Theme, Avada Builder and Fusion core. Continue reading

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